Catalogue Design

What do you need to know before you buy a product? Dimensions? Colour? Price? Well, it all depends on what you’re buying and who’s buying it, and that’s why every catalogue will be different. PURE designs and produces catalogues which will sell, sell, sell for you by telling your customers all they need to know to make an informed decision about which products will best meet their needs.

Many of our clients also take advantage of our in-house photography facilities to ensure that every image in their catalogue is pin sharp, colour-correct and leaves no room for ambiguity. It’s a well-known fact that attractive images sell, so it’s false economy to think that low res digital snaps are ever going to get you the results you really want. It’s that kind of honesty which clients thank us for in the long run.

We can also take your catalogue design on line to enable customers to browse and buy 24 hours a day. For wide product ranges we can also put catalogues onto CD-Roms with menu options for easy navigation to make the buying process as simple as possible.


Promotional Catalogues – Joseph Turner

As well as the large catalogues we produce regularly for Joseph Turner we also do regular promotional catalogues for seasonal offers – here are a couple of Autumn and Winter versions – although – we are well into Spring Summer 2013 now!!! Where does the time go!!
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Catalogue Design – Joseph Turner

Here are the latest womenswear catalogues we’ve produced for Joseph Turner… these are for Autumn/Winter 2012 but we are already working on Spring/Summer 2013! The location shoot took place in April in Scotland, we were particularly lucky with the weather as you can see! A week of sunshine shooting 4 models in many outfits…
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Catalogue Design – Joseph Turner

COMING SOON! Here is a sneak peak of some of the new products about to be launched in the new Joseph Turner Womenswear Catalogue. The team at PURE are busily completing the photography and design as I type so make sure you come back soon to see the finished article!
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Catalogue Design – Fired Earth Natural Paving

A nice job here fresh from the studio… A new catalogue design featuring a range of Natural Paving products for Fired Earth… With design, photography, video and web departments all in-house PURE is perfectly geared up for all your catalogue needs..!
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Catalogue Design – Essential Healthcare

Having design, photography, video and digital services all under one roof makes us the ideal choice for anyone who requires catalogue production. Here is a catalogue we’ve photographed, designed and produced for Essential Healthcare.
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Kitchen Brochure – Karonia

Here is some pics of the new Karonia Kitchen worktops brochure which our design team have just completed! Another team effort with our photographers shooting a mixture of kitchen locations along with studio shots of samples and details.
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Mail Order Catalogue Design – Armstrong Ward

Here is a recent mail order catalogue we produced for lifestyle brand Armstrong Ward. A complete in-house production – we photographed all of the contents over a couple of days in our studios, then the design team took over – producing a fantastic lively mail order catalogue. It didn’t finish there though!
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Catalogue Design – Taison Lighting

Here is a recent catalogue we produced for Taison Lighting. Every product was photographed for the new catalogue to produce a consistent look to the design. Careful attention had to be taken on all the hero shots, airbrushing out any dust or marks.
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Catalogue Photography – Armstrong Ward

We are currently working up the latest Armstrong Ward Christmas Catalogue… Yes, I know, Christmas comes early again! Here are a selection of the studio shots currently being dropped into the new catalogue design…
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Furniture Brochure Design – Knightsbridge Furniture

Here are a recent set of brochures produced for Knightsbridge Furniture. We had a couple of days in the photographic studio shooting the prototypes… the shots then went upstairs into design for the guys to digitally re-produce the other variations of the furniture.
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